Home » NEWS UPDATES » With rebuilding of Maui, tourists directed to stay out
With rebuilding of Maui, tourists directed to stay out
 Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Much before a wind-lashed wildfire happened in the island of Maui, significant pressureoccurredamong Hawaii’s kamaaina or long-timeinhabitants and the tourists. Manynativesfeel aggrieved for turning their communities,beaches and mountains into play areas.
It’s a love-hate association that has happened for generations. However, now pressure is growingas aresult of a fire that destroyedmore than 100 individuals and burnt the celebrated town of Lahaina, making it afatal U.S. forest fire in over a century.
A week afterward the fire, a state flag was seen upside down in the gust along a road connected to vicinityentitled for inhabitants of Hawaiian origin, indicating that the community is in misery.
Underneath the flag, anindicationscribbled in blue shadedirectedtravelers to “KEEP OUT.” The Maui Economic Development Board stated that tourism is unquestionably the financialdriver of Maui, which witnessed 1.4 million tourists in the first quarter of this year.
Around 70 percent of each dollar made in Maui can be credited to tourism, as stated by the board.
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