New Zealand tourism needs to make most of the prospects and funds

 Thursday, July 6, 2023

The government of New Zealand is making sure that their regions are well prepared to make the most of the prospects and be able to deal with any undesirable impact with tourists flocking back to Aotearoa New Zealand, by creating a nationwide destination management squad, said Peeni Henare, the Tourism Minister.

In the following two years, $5 million from the global tourist upkeep and tourism tax will help in funding the new team which will work with areas in the country, with them implementing their own destination
organization tactics, considering each region’s exclusive magnetisms, while making sure that they cooperate at a nationwide level.

Henare said that they want people coming to their regions, have a wonderful experience and spend
money, which would assist local markets and generate jobs. They also want to care for their natural setting and reduce the effect of visitors.

Henare said that via destination development, regions target developing a well-handled, sustainable tourist place that can familiarize and modify, depending on the region’s requirements or prospects from a social, financial, traditional and ecological standpoint.

Regions are by now in the middle of expanding the strategies across Aotearoa, due to $11.5 million in
subsidy from the government’s pandemic $47 million assistance bundle for local tourism societies.

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