Saudi Arabia thinks increase of aviation for tourism growth

 Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Saudi Arabia has finished a fruitful Hajj period. It is a yearly event which together with continual Umrah trips fetches the Kingdom an expected $12bn.

Up to now, religious trips and visitingthe country concerning work are the chief reasons that people considerwhen traveling to Saudi Arabia is stated.
Even for those tours, visas became tough to obtain, and Saudi Arabia did not have a status as a tourist place. The Kingdomwas recognized as an alternative for being an intensely traditional nation that has been condemned with regard to human rights.

However, withtravel continuing to get betterafter the pandemic, Saudi Arabia is functioning to surge its revenue from tourism in addition to carrying people and merchandises.

For that, it is exhibiting a more comfortable side to the world, upholding its tourist places, and making things easier for entrance necessities.

The Kingdom is also arranging to switch one of its eventful airports, which is Riyadh’s King Khalid Airport, with the enormous King Salman International.

Billions are being spent for revamping ancient places like Hegra (MadainSalih) and al-Ula, along with seaside and desert places, for appealing to tourists looking for luxury and those willing toexplore offbeat places, said Charles Phillips, a researcher and consultant based in Oxford.

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