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Turkish and Chinese officialsvow to reinforce partnership in tourism
 Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Turkish and Chinese representativespromised to reinforcepartnership in the tourism segment. ElifBalciFisunoglu, who is the Vice General Manager of the Türkiye Tourism Promotion and Development Agency,stated that China falls among one of theirsignificant markets.
They are looking forward to workin an organizedmanner to growtheircurrentassociationa lot more. He said this during a tourism advertisingconference in the largest Turkish city of Istanbul. Fisunoglu said that the number of Chinese travelers to Türkiyeexceeded 426,000 in 2019.
He added that Türkiyetargets to increase the annual number of Chinese travelerscoming to the country to 1 million in the imminent years.
Fisunoglu saidthat at the present, theirlivelycampaign, publicity, and promotionactions in the Chinese market will carry on to upsurge. During the meeting, Wei Xiaodong, who is China’s Consul General in Istanbul, said that Türkiye is home to early civilizations, and it has been attractingnumeroustravelers from around the world, comprising China.
Xiaodongsaid that they believe that further Chinese travelers will visitTürkiye in the immediate future. They wouldget familiar with the historical and ethnicsplendors of Türkiye and the friendliness of the Turkish people. The Chinese representativeunderlined the significance and massiveprospect of increasing the China-Türkiyecollaboration in the tourism segment.
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